Our 5 Favorite Tent Rental Applications

There are a lot of different reasons one would rent tents for an event, and over the years we’ve rented out tents for just about every occasion. We took some time today to talk about five tent rental applications that we love, these are some of the events we feel can benefit the most from […]

5 Reasons to Rent a Tent for Your July 4th Celebration

The Fourth of July is quickly approaching, and we can’t wait for the fireworks, food, friends, and family! Do you have your 4th of July party planned yet? As a leading MD tent rental company, we wanted to take some time to discuss five reasons you should rent a tent for your Independence Day celebration. […]

How to Host a Successful Outdoor Wedding

People have been hosting outdoor weddings for as long as they’ve been getting married, and for good reason, outdoor weddings are awesome! There’s nothing wrong with having an indoor wedding. What’s most important is that the happy couple has a great experience, but outdoor weddings have a different feel to them. As an experienced MD […]

What You’ll Need to Have a Successful and Safe Outdoor Event

With things starting to warm up, many have grown excited to start planning their outdoor events. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way lots of businesses operate and how they keep their employees and customers safe. As an experienced Montgomery County event rentals specialist, we have a few tips to help you host a safe […]

Preparing for Safe Spring Events With Elite Tents and Events

With the warm spring months just around the corner, a lot of people are going to want to host parties and events outside, but how can they do so safely? As an experienced Maryland event tent rental specialist, we wanted to take some time today to talk about how you can host your event safely […]

How to Clear Snow Away From Your Tent

These days, it’s safer to host events outdoors instead of indoors. If you’ve rented a tent for your outdoor event and a snowstorm occurs, it doesn’t mean you have to cancel your event. You can remove the snow and let the fun continue. Here’s how you can safely remove snow from your tent: Heat the […]

4 Must-Have Tent Accessories for Your Wedding

Your wedding day is one of the happiest days of your life. It’s a day where you’ll be starting the rest of your life and you get to have a fun party with all of your family and friends. The pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of our lives, but you don’t have to let […]

Outdoor Events in Winter? No Problem!

Is your business or organization looking to plan an event? Having problems planning around coronavirus and the cold winter temperatures? As someone who’s been helping organizations and businesses in Maryland host their events for years, we wanted to take some time today to talk about how working with a Maryland tent rental company can help […]

Outdoor Dining and Tent Rentals

During these times, many people have turned to tents to ensure that their patrons are safe and are receiving an abundance of fresh airflow. With the cooler weather arriving, many restaurant owners are trying to figure out how to proceed safely with dining options. Luckily, with the help of a Maryland tent rental company, there […]

How Renting a Tent can Benefit Businesses in 2020

You may have never suspected that a tent, of all things, would be the thing that could benefit your business. 2020 has been full of surprises and it’s up to business owners to adapt to the ever-changing times. Renting a tent is one of the ways business owners have adapted to these times. Let’s look […]