When most people think of outdoor parties, they envision warm, sunny days and balmy summer evenings. But who says you can’t enjoy the great outdoors during the winter months? Hosting an outdoor party in winter can be a unique and delightful experience. With a bit of planning and some creative ideas, you can create a memorable gathering that leaves your guests talking about it for years to come. Check out these tips on how to host a successful outdoor winter party.

elite tents and events november 2023 blog image 300x192 - How to Host an Outdoor Party in Winter

Choose the Right Venue

Selecting the right location is crucial for a successful outdoor winter party. Consider options like your backyard, a park with covered picnic areas, or even a rented outdoor space with heating options. Having a sheltered area can help protect your guests from the elements.


Prepare for the Weather

Winter parties mean colder temperatures and the potential for rain or snow. Ensure your guests are comfortable by providing ample blankets, heaters, and even fire pits. You can rent portable patio heaters or chimineas to keep your outdoor space warm. Encourage your guests to dress warmly and consider providing complimentary hand warmers.


Winter-Appropriate Decor

Embrace the winter season with themed decorations. Think white, silver, and blue color schemes, along with twinkling fairy lights and candles to create a cozy ambiance. Don’t forget to add seasonal touches like wreaths, pinecones, and evergreen branches to complete the look.


Seasonal Food and Drinks

Warm and hearty foods are a must for a winter outdoor party. Consider a buffet of comfort food options like chili, soup, or fondue. For dessert, you can serve warm apple cider, hot chocolate, or even a s’mores station. Provide a variety of beverages, including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options, to cater to your guests’ preferences.


Cozy Seating Arrangements

To keep your guests warm and comfortable, provide cozy seating options. Arrange outdoor furniture with plush cushions, throws, and blankets for added warmth. You can also set up hay bales, which double as seating and rustic decor for a winter-themed party.


Plan Winter Activities

Since your party is outdoors, you can take advantage of the winter landscape. Organize winter-themed activities like snowball fights, sledding, or even an ice-skating rink if you have the space and resources. These activities can add a fun and playful element to your winter gathering.


Plan for Lighting

As the days are shorter in winter, you’ll need to consider lighting. String lights, lanterns, and candles not only create a cozy atmosphere but also provide much-needed illumination during evening parties. Safety should be a priority, so ensure all paths and walkways are well-lit.


Send Invitations

Once you’ve planned all the details, send out invitations to your guests well in advance. Make sure they know it’s an outdoor winter party and include any dress code suggestions, such as wearing warm layers or festive attire.


Backup Plan

In case of inclement weather, have a backup plan in place. If you have access to a covered area, you can move the party inside or use tents for shelter. Flexibility is key when hosting outdoor events in the winter.


Host the Perfect Outdoor Party this Winter! 

Hosting an outdoor party in winter can be a truly magical experience. With the right preparations and creative touches, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that allows your guests to embrace the beauty of the season. Elite Tents and Events is here to ensure that your winter party comes to life. From event coordination to tent and party rentals, we have everything you need to throw the perfect winter outdoor party. Contact us today to request a proposal.